UNIDROIT supports APEC agricultural sector secured finance reform initiative in Peru

On 21 and 22 August 2024,  UNIDROIT participated in the second annual session of the APEC Economic Committee in Lima, Peru. UNIDROIT has held guest organisation status with the APEC Economic Committee since 2017. During the Economic Committee session, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson presented as part of a Policy Dialogue on “Secured Finance Reform for Food Security”, which discussed how international instruments such as the Mining, Agriculture and Construction (MAC) Protocol to the Cape Town Convention, UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts and the UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing could facilitate access to finance for the agricultural sector in the Asia-Pacific region. Following up from the Policy Dialogue, APEC has approved a workshop in 2025, which will provide an opportunity for APEC Member Economies to receive technical assistance and capacity building support to assist in the implementation of UNIDROIT instruments.

More on UNIDROIT’s work in the field of agriculture is available here.

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