UNIDROIT participates in the Third Doha Workshop on Combatting Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Heritage: Strengthening Legislative Frameworks

UNIDROIT was honoured to participate in the Third Doha Workshop on Combatting Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Heritage, held from 9 to 12 September 2024, organised by the Qatar National Library. This important event, hosted in Doha, brought together international experts, policymakers, and institutions dedicated to strengthening legislative and legal frameworks to protect cultural heritage from illicit trafficking and to enhance institutional capacities worldwide.

The Third Doha Workshop provided a platform for key stakeholders to discuss and address the challenges surrounding the illicit trade of cultural property, a global issue that threatens the preservation of cultural heritage and undermines the rule of law. In line with its commitment to international legal cooperation in this field, UNIDROIT was represented by Ms Marina Schneider, Principal Legal Officer and Treaties Depositary.

Ms Schneider delivered a presentation titled “The UNIDROIT Convention 1995: Strengthening Cooperation and Establishing Common Legal Rules for the Recovery of Cultural Property.” In her address, she highlighted the pivotal role of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects in fostering international cooperation and setting common minimal legal rules for the return and restitution of cultural property. The presentation was followed by a lively Q & A session during which some Arab States announced their intention to accede to the 1995 Convention.

The UNIDROIT Convention remains a critical instrument for nations striving to combat illicit trafficking by creating a uniform legal framework that enables the recovery of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects. Ms Schneider underscored how the Convention facilitates cooperation between States and enhances legal certainty for cultural institutions and the art market, ensuring that cultural heritage can be protected, preserved, and returned to its rightful owners.

The Third Doha Workshop marks an important step in the ongoing global efforts to address the illicit trafficking of cultural property. Through initiatives like these, UNIDROIT continues to work with its partners to promote legal frameworks and collaborative actions that safeguard the world’s cultural heritage for future generations.

At the invitation of QNL, after the celebration of the international day against illicit trafficking in cultural property on 14 November 2022, the participation to the Second Doha Webinar in September 2023 and the online webinar specifically organised to raise awareness on the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention in the Arab States in May 2024, UNIDROIT is proud to contribute to such essential dialogues and looks forward to further strengthening international cooperation in this field.

A special thanks to Ms Tan Huism, Executive Director of the Qatar National Library, Mr Maxim Nasra, Head of Preservation and Conservation, QNL, and their whole team.

Programme of the Third Doha Workshop



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