UNIDROIT participates in the 3rd Forum on Rule of Law in Global Digital Trade (Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China)

On 26 and 27 September 2024, UNIDROIT Legal Officer Ms Myrte Thijssen delivered a keynote speech at the Third Forum on Rule of Law in Global Digital Trade, held in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China. The event was co-organised by the Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global Governance, the China Society of Private International Law and local authorities, in the framework of the Third Global Digital Trade Expo, co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China.

Legal Officer Ms Thijssen presented on the UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law, as well as other work of UNIDROIT that supports global digital trade, including the UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring, the UNCITRAL-UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts and the ongoing projects on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement and Verified Carbon Credits.

The session was moderated by Mr Huan Jiefang (Secretary General of the Asian Academy of International Law) and included Mr Kamalinne Pinitpuvadol (Secretary General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)); Ms Gérardine Goh Escolar (Deputy Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)); Mr Li Pengde (Director General of the United Nations Global Geospatial Knowledge and Innovation Centre); Judge Zheng Juhong (Zhejiang High People’s Court); Prof Zhou Chenghu (Chinese Academy of Sciences); and Prof Kong Qingjiang (China University of Political Science and Law).

The UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law can be found here.



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