UNIDROIT delivers consultation event on the benefits of the Mining, Agriculture and Construction (MAC) Protocol for the European Union in Brussels

On 26 February 2025, UNIDROIT, the European Construction Equipment Association (CECE) and the European Agricultural Machinery Association (CEMA) jointly delivered a consultation event on “Advancing the MAC Protocol – Shaping the future of EU Equipment Financing” in Brussels. Attended by representatives of European Union Member States as well as major European equipment manufacturers, the event focused on the MAC Protocol’s potential to improve equipment financing across Europe and globally. Chaired by CECE Secretary-General Riccardo Viaggi, the event included presentations by UNIDROIT Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado, CEMA Secretary General Jelte Wiersma, VDMA Managing Director of Construction and Mining Equipment Joachim Schmid, European Commission Senior Expert Patrizia de Luca and UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson.

During the event, CECE President Jose Antonio Nieto called the MAC Protocol a major step forward for the industries represented, stating: “The MAC Protocol is a game-changer for our sectors. It is designed to enhance legal certainty, facilitate access to credit, and support investment in high-value equipment, including machinery used in construction, agriculture, and mining. These industries form the backbone of European infrastructure development, food security, and resource management. By reducing financial risks and improving asset-based financing options, the MAC Protocol opens new doors for companies of all sizes—especially SMEs—to expand their operations and invest in innovation.”

The presentations and press release from the event are available on the CECE website. More information on the MAC Protocol is available on the UNIDROIT website.

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