UNIDROIT co-organises 7th International Coordination of Secured Transactions Reform Conference

Between 19 – 20 November 2024, the Joint Network for Coordinating and Supporting Secured Transactions Reforms held the 7th International Coordination of Secured Transactions Reform Conference in Istanbul, Türkiye. Hosted by the Turkish Association of Financial Institutions, the 7th Coordination Conference was organised by the International Law Institute in its capacity as the 2024 Chair of the Joint Network. The theme of the 7th Conference was “bridging the distance between formulation and implementation”.

Over two days, 60 attendees participating both in-person and virtually discussed a variety of issues associated with the coordination of secured transactions reform, including the coordination in the development of new instruments, the role of donor and private sector institutions in supporting secured transactions reforms, regional experiences and the use of product-focused reform strategies. The 7th Conference also featured dedicated panels on the financing of climate change projects and links between secured transactions and insolvency. The Conference, which featured presentations by UNIDROIT Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano and Senior Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson, discussed a number of UNIDROIT instruments and projects in the field of access to credit, including the Cape Town Convention and its Protocols, the UNIDROIT-UNCITRAL Model Law on Warehouse Receipts, the UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring, the UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing, as well as the ongoing project on Verified Carbon Credits.

The Agenda for the event is available here.

The Agenda from the 7th Coordination Conference is available on the International Law Institute’s website.

Further information on UNIDROIT’s work in the field of Access to Credit is available here.

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