On 22 November 2017, the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Lóránd University organised a Conference on the Cape Town Convention and its Protocols in Budapest, with the support of the Ministry of Justice of Hungary and participation of UNIDROIT. The conference, on “Recent developments in the law of security interests: the Cape Town Convention, its Protocols and national laws”, was opened by Dr Somssich Réka (Vice Dean of the Department of Private International Law and European Economic Law) and Professor Miklós Király (Dean of the Faculty of Law), and featured 3 panels: one on the Cape Town Convention and the Luxembourg Rail Protocol (Professor Anna Veneziano, Secretary-General a.i.; Elizabeth Hirst, Registrar Designate of the Luxembourg Registry; and Professor Attila Harmathy ELTE University, Faculty of Law ), one on the MAC Protocol (Chaired by Prof. Miklós Király, ELTE University, Faculty of Law, with contributions of William Brydie-Watson, Legal Officer, UNIDROIT and Prof. Dr. Benjamin von Bodungen, German Graduate School of Management and Law), and a third chaired by Dr. István Erdős, ELTE University, Faculty of Law on Recent Developments in National Law with contributions of Dr. Zoltán Nemessányi, Deputy-State Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Hungary and Dr. József Vági, Partner, Kajtár Takács Hegymegi-Barakonyi Baker & McKenzie.


-> Agenda



From left to right: István Erdős, Benjamin von Bodungen, William Brydie-Watson,
Anna Veneziano, Miklós Király, Elizabeth Hirst, Attila Haramathy, József Vági.


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