On 17-18 January 2025, UNIDROIT Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado attended the BCBS-FSI High-level meeting for Africa, organised by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in coordination with the South African Reserve Bank (SARB).
The event brough together over 70 high-level officials representing over 30 jurisdictions from Africa, where the Secretary-General presented the UNIDROIT Legal Guide on Bank Liquidation in a panel entitled “strengthening bank insolvency regimes”, which explored ways of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of bank liquidation processes, and specifically provided insights on the Guide and its development. The panel was chaired by Fernando Restoy (Chair of the Financial Stability Institute) and saw the participation of the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana Elsie Addo Awadzi, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Jesimen Tarisai Chipika, as well as the Deputy Secretary General of the Banking Commission of the Bank of Central African States Patricia Danielle Manon.