UNIDROIT and the Asian Development Bank hold Knowledge Sharing Event in Manila

On 16 November 2022, a UNIDROIT delegation visited the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila and participated in a hybrid session on international private law developments relating to private sector development, trade and sustainable development. The panel featured ADB General Counsel Thomas Clark (Chair), ADB Assistant General Counsel Cathy Marsh and ADB Principal Counsel Christina Pak, as well as presentations from UNIDROIT Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano and Senior Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson. The presentations addressed (i) UNIDROIT’s instruments that facilitate access to credit and facilitate agricultural development, with a focus on the future Model Law on Warehouse Receipts, the future Model Law on Factoring and the Mining, Agricultural and Construction Protocol to the Cape Town Convention; (ii) the future Legal Guide on Digital Assets and Private Law; and (iii) UNIDROIT engagement in the Asia-Pacific region and future work. The event involved over 70 in-person and remote attendees from the ADB. Following the Knowledge Sharing Event, the UNIDROIT delegation met with ADB officials from the trade finance and supply chain finance teams to discuss relevant UNIDROIT instruments.

The video recording of the Knowledge Sharing Event is available on the ADB’s Law and Policy Reform Program YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJo7pMyenrM&t=28s.


To view the agenda, click here:


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