We are pleased to announce the winners of the UNIDROIT COVID-19 Essay Competition, supported by Stibbe, and facilitated by the UNIDROIT Foundation: Augusto Garcia Sanjur, Soterios Loizou, Benedetta Mauro, Tamás Szabados, and Gabriella Prado.
First Position: Augusto Garcia Sanjur
UNIDROIT Principles and the Covid-19 Economy.
Augusto Garcia Sanjur is a Panamanian attorney from the University of Panama. He has an LL.M. from Penn State Law. He was an oralist of the Penn State team that won the Vis Moot Competition in Austria. His practice is focused on international arbitration and he also helps Arbitrator Intelligence develop new tools for the arbitration industry.
Second Position: Soterios Loizou
UNIDROIT: Tackling Covid-19 through Private Law.
Soterios Loizou is a Lecturer (Ass. Professor) in Commercial Law at King’s College London and TTLF Fellow at Stanford Law School. He pursued legal studies at premier institutions, including the University of Athens, NYU School of Law, the Institute of International Commercial Law (IICL), Harvard Law School, and the University of Cambridge. His PhD thesis at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law, focused on global & regional legal unification, international uniform law, conflict-of-laws, and comparative law issues. Soterios has also served as Hauser Post-Doctoral Fellow at the NYU School of Law and has held visiting faculty positions with Peking University in China, the University of Ferrara in Italy, and the University of Nicosia in Cyprus.
Third Position: Benedetta Mauro
Benedetta Mauro is a Junior Associate at D|R Arbitration & Litigation, based in Rome. Her fields of interest are private comparative law, private international law and international arbitration. She is a Tutor of the Certificate in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, organized by the Roma Tre University School of Law and the Italian Association for Arbitration in collaboration with the Milan Chamber of Arbitration and the International Chamber of Commerce.
Fourth Position: Tamás Szabados
The Global Pandemic as an Opportunity: Towards a Cutting-Edge Legal ‘App’ for Online Art Trade.
Tamás Szabados is an associate professor at ELTE University, Budapest. He obtained an LL.M. degree at the University College London. He completed research stays at renowned universities and research institutions, such as the University of Cambridge, Oxford and Heidelberg, the Harvard University and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. His main areas of interest include private international law and international cultural property protection law. He has been an individual partner of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention Academic Project.
Fifth Position: Gabriella Prado
The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Gabriella Boger Prado. Registered Lawyer in Brazil (OAB/MT). Ph.D. candidate in Private International Law at Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Paris, France. Master in Private International Law and International Trade Law by the same University. Bachelor of Law by Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Brazil. In September 2020, Gabriella started an Internship at UNIDROIT, where she was awarded the FELDENSMADRUGA-UNIDROIT Scholarship. Very recently, she started working as a Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT.
The winners of the essay competition will be invited to present their research at a webinar hosted by UNIDROIT on Monday, 8 March at 14.30 CET. Register now to attend the webinar at this page.
For additional information, please contact info@unidroit.org