Pre-publication order now available for third edition of Luxembourg Rail Protocol Official Commentary

The third edition of the Official Commentary on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Luxembourg Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Railway Rolling Stock by Professor Sir Roy Goode will be published in August 2024.

Pre-publication discounts will be available for orders received through 31 July 2024 through this order form, duly filled out and sent to

Ten years have elapsed since the publication of the second edition of the Official Commentary on the Convention and Luxembourg Protocol covering railway rolling stock. This third edition brings the text fully up to date, examining in detail both these instruments and the Rail Registry Regulations, all of which only came into force on 8 March 2024.  These introduced an entirely new system, the unique and permanently affixed railway vehicle registration system (URVIS), the use of which is compulsory when registering an interest in an item of railway rolling stock.  Moreover, in its treatment of equipment-neutral provisions of the Convention, this third edition also updates the other Official Commentaries.  With the entry into force of the Protocol and Regulations. this new edition is an indispensable guide for all those involved with rail finance and leasing, whether as creditors, debtors, financial intermediaries or scholars and students.  The author also draws on his long experience of involvement in laws governing cross-border transactions to examine related conventions and model laws, as well as complex conflict of laws issues and even some questions of public international law.

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