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On 31 July 2018, the Ministry of Justice of Japan and UNIDROIT co-organised an Invitational Workshop on the MAC Protocol to the Cape Town Convention, which was held at Gakushuin University (Tokyo). The Workshop was opened by Mr Muneki Uchino (Counselor of the Civil Affairs 
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On 22 October, at an event kindly hosted by Strathmore University Law School in Nairobi, UNIDROIT organised an International Conference to discuss the future fourth Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Mining, Agricultural and Construction 
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A few days go the International Council of Museums (ICOM) launched the new Red List for Southeast European Cultural Objects at Risk which is another very important tool to fight illicit traffic in cultural property. UNIDROIT welcomes this new tool developed by ICOM which is 
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Due diligence of all actors on the art market is key to fight illicit traffic. The 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects gives criteria for the determination of due diligence in acquiring a cultural object, one of which being the consultation 
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The new edition of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UNIDROIT Principles 2016), unanimously adopted by the Governing Council of the Institute at its 95th session in May 2016, has now been published in English and French.  The new edition contains a number of additions and amendments, above all 
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Le 14 septembre, UNIDROIT a été invité à participer à une conférence internationale intitulée “China’s Belt and Road Initiative – Opportunities and Challenges for International Dispute Resolution and Contracting” (Hambourg, 13-15 septembre). La conférence a été l’occasion de célébrer le 10ème anniversaire du CEAC (Centre 
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Le 20 et 21 mars, UNIDROIT a participé à la conférence de renforcement des capacités intitulé “Engager le marché européen de l’art dans la lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels” au siège de l’UNESCO à Paris. Le projet conjoint Union européenne (UE)-UNESCO vise à 
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