Le 31 mars 2017, l’Université du commerce international et de l’économie (UIBE), la Commission chinoise d’arbitrage économique et commercial international (CIETAC) et UNIDROIT ont organisé conjointement une conférence tenue à Beijing (Chine), sur le campus de l’UIBE, sur le thème “The Belt and Road Initiative 
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Summer School Law and Tech A3 0103
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The annual coordination meeting between UNIDROIT, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), took place in Rome on 24 April 2019. Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado and Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano welcomed Mr Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary-General of 
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On Wednesday 10 May 2023, the Governing Council adopted the UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring at its 102nd session in Rome, Italy. Initially proposed by the World Bank Group in 2018, the Model Law on Factoring was negotiated over a three-year period by a Working 
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Le Togo a déposé son instrument d’adhésion à la Convention d’UNIDROIT de 1995 auprès du Gouvernement italien, Dépositaire de la Convention, le 3 septembre 2021 et la Convention entrera en vigueur pour le Togo le 1er mars 2022.   Cette adhésion vient renforcer l’arsenal juridique 
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On Monday 13 July 2020,  Deputy Secretary-General, Professor Anna Veneziano participated as a panellist  in a webinar organised by the Organization of American States (OAS) discussing mechanisms for the improvement of access to credit in a post Covid-19 economy. Fellow panellists included Dr. Valeria Piñeiro, 
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Beirut, Lebanon: on 16-20 April 2018, UNIDROIT is participating in the “Training Program for Specialist Working to Deter Cultural Property Theft and the Illicit Trafficking of Antiquities” organised by UNESCO and funded by UNESCO’s Heritage Emergency Fund.   The Training Program aims to counter antiquities trafficking in the 
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On 28 August 2019, United States Ambassador to the UN Agencies in Rome H.E. Kip Tom, presented his credentials to the Secretary-General of UNIDROIT. Accompanied by Deputy Chief of Mission Jennifer A. Harhigh, and Alternate Permanent Representative Sandrine Goffard, the Ambassador was received in the 
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A significant milestone in the establishment of a Registry for International Interests for Railway Rolling Stock (“Rail Registry”) was reached on 12 November 2014, when the parties signed the Contract for the Establishment and Operation of the International Registry >>> Press Release Handshake between José 
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Les 16 et 17 novembre, les membres, les conseillers et les observateurs du projet ELI-UNIDROIT se sont réunis au Palais Trautson du Ministère autrichien de la justice pour discuter du projet de Règles sur la procédure civile européenne élaborées par les groupes de travail récemment 
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