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Beyrouth, Liban : du 16 au 20 avril 2018, UNIDROIT participe au « Programme de formation pour les spécialistes dans la lutte contre le vol de biens culturels et le trafic illicite de biens culturels » organisé par l’UNESCO et financé par le Fonds d’urgence pour le 
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Study LXXXC - W.G.3 - Doc. 2 - Revised Issues Paper
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Ms Marina Schneider, Principal Legal Officer and Treaty Depositary at UNIDROIT attended the regional conference from 29 to 30 June 2021 as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1970 Convention on Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer 
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The first meeting of the Working Group on agricultural land investment contracts took place at UNIDROIT’s seat in Rome on 3-5 May 2017, with the objective of receiving expert input on how to better define the contours of the work, in particular with respect to 
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A.G. (80) 8 - Update on the compensation pension scheme (web site)
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La liste des vidéo de la conférence sur le Guide juridique tripartite sur la vente internationale qui a eu lieu le 22 septembre 2020 est maintenant disponible sur UNIDROIT YouTube Channel -> Programme -> Playlist
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On 27 June 2019, Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the Masters in Private Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV). The entire workshop, organised and hosted  by PUCV, was devoted to the work of UNIDROIT, with 
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Le 3 mars 2017, la France déjà signataire de la Convention du Cap et du Protocole aéronautique, a signé le Protocole ferroviaire de Luxembourg qui a été adopté à l’issue d’une Conférence diplomatique tenue à Luxembourg en février 2007. Le Protocole ferroviaire de Luxembourg entrera 
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On 25 September 2020, the ELI – UNIDROIT Rules were presented in an International Workshop Webinar that was held in hybrid format as a closing event of the 99th session of the UNIDROIT Governing Council. The event was opened by Professor Maria Chiara Malaguti (UNIDROIT President), Professor Ignacio 
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