The instrument of accession to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention has been deposited by Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Italian Government, Depositary of the Convention, on 8 May 2017 and the Convention will enter into force for Bosnia and Herzegovina on 1 November 2017.   Further 
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Le 27 juin 2017, le Royaume de Suède, déjà Partie à la Convention du Cap et au Protocole aéronautique, a signé le Protocole ferroviaire de Luxembourg adopté en février 2007 à l’issue d’une Conférence diplomatique tenue à Luxembourg. Le Protocole ferroviaire de Luxembourg entrera en 
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Le 16 décembre 2021, Carlo Di Nicola, fonctionnaire juridique principal, a fait une présentation sur le projet d’UNIDROIT sur les actifs numériques et le droit privé lors de la session du panel sur le numérique du Comité sur les défis du numérique pour le droit 
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On 2 February  2017, the Secretary General delivered a Technical Presentation entitled “Towards the Establishment of the International Registry of Secured Interests in Space Objects: The Space Protocol to the Cape Town Convention and Rail Protocol”, during the 54th session of the Scientific and Technical 
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On 27 July 2018, Secretary-General ad interim Professor Anna Veneziano delivered a lecture on “UNIDROIT’s work on sustainable development – the UNIDROIT-FAO-IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming” at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, at a seminar hosted by Professor Hiroo Sono. The lecture was followed by 
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Le 25 janvier 2019, Mme Marina Schneider, Juriste principale et Dépositaire des Traités, à UNIDROIT, a présenté la Convention d’UNIDROIT de 1995 sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés lors d’une conférence intitulée “La circulation internationale des œuvres d’art” organisée par le Comité des 
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W.G.6 - Doc. 3 - Tracked Principles and Issues Paper
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The final Annual  Steering Committee meeting with the Co-reporters of all Working Groups was held  in Rome on 25-26 February 2019. The meeting began by addressing the current status of the Consolidated Draft, presented by the Working Group on “Structure”, and explored the main issues 
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On 20 October 2016, UNIDROIT welcomed a delegation headed by Ms Dace Melbārde, Minister of Culture of Latvia, for a meeting to address Protection of Cultural Property and in particular the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, the UNESCO 1970 Convention 
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On 30 April 2020, Legal Consultant Mr Hamza Hameed delivered a lecture via videoconferencing to the students of the Advanced Master’s LLM in Air and Space Law Programme at Leiden University.   The lecture focussed on the usefulness of asset-based financing for the space sector and highlighted 
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