Avv. Giorgio Corno (Italy)
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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A.G. (81) 3 - Adoption du Programme de travail 2023-2025 FINAL
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On 24 September 2021, the Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (ALIC Legal Guide) was launched at a hybrid event held in Rome and online, as a side-event to the 100th Session of the UNIDROIT Governing Council Jointly produced by UNIDROIT and the International 
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A.G. (81) 3 - Adoption du Programme de travail 2023-2025 FINAL
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Le 9 mai 2019, le Guide sur le droit applicable aux contrats du commerce international dans les Amériques a été lancé lors de la 98ème session du Conseil de Direction d’UNIDROIT. Il a été présenté par son rapporteur, M. José Antonio Moreno Rodriguez, membre du Conseil 
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