On 13 March 2019, Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano participated remotely in a special workshop co-organised by the Rail Working Group with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Jakarta entitled “The Future for Railway Finance: How the Luxembourg Rail Protocol will transform the 
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MACPC - Registrar W.G.5 - Doc. 3 - Draft Request for Proposals
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On 1st October 2020, the United States of America, which is already a Party to the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol, signed the MAC Protocol, which was adopted in November 2019 at a diplomatic Conference held in Pretoria. The MAC Protocol will enter 
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Avv. Giorgio Corno (Italy)
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Avv. Giorgio Corno (Italy)
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Appendix 2 - RFP for Luxembourg Rail Protocol
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Appendix 2 - RFP for Luxembourg Rail Protocol
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DCME-MAC – Doc. 7 - The CTC and draft MAC Protocol - an overview
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