Le 20 avril 2016, UNIDROIT a célébré le 90ème anniversaire de sa fondation lors d’une session extraordinaire de l’Assemblée Générale d’UNIDROIT, qui a été suivie par un symposium consacré au rôle et à la place du droit privé en tant que soutien à la mise 
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MACPC3 - Doc. 5 - Draft Request for Proposals
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Une Conférence internationale intitulée “Créer un environnement juridique favorable pour l’agriculture contractuelle” s’est tenue à UNIDROIT le 27 avril 2016. La Conférence a été organisée en collaboration avec la FAO et le FIDA, sous les auspices du Ministère italien des affaires étrangères et de la 
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MACPC - Registrar W.G.4 - Doc. 2 - Draft request for proposals (RFP)
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On 27 April 2016, UNIDROIT, hosted an international conference entitled “Creating a favourable legal environment for contract farming”. The Conference was organised in collaboration with FAO and IFAD, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy. It aimed to 
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MACPC - Registrar W.G.4 - Doc. 2 - Draft request for proposals (RFP)
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MACPC - Registrar W.G.3 - Doc. 3 - Draft request for proposals (RFP)
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MACPC - Registrar W.G.3 - Doc. 3 - Draft request for proposals (RFP)
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On 20 April 2016, UNIDROIT celebrated the 90th anniversary of its foundation in a Special session of the UNIDROIT General Assembly, which was followed by a symposium devoted to the role and place of private law in supporting the implementation of the international community’s broader 
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The second regional consultation workshop on the ALIC Zero Draft was held on Friday 9 August 2019 at the University of São Paulo Faculty of Law (USP). The event was co-sponsored by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the United Nations Food and 
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