Jaime Ramiro Gallegos Zúñiga
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22.06 IPLD 2023_Contract Farming_Veneziano
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A.G. (80) 2 - Activité de l'Organisation en 2021
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220707 Legal Structures of Agricultural Enterprises
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On 2-4 September 2020, UNIDROIT Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado and Deputy Secretary General Professor Anna Veneziano were invited to participate in the first meeting of the Group of Experts established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling 
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Les 8 et 9 octobre 2020, UNIDROIT organise une conférence internationale pour marquer le 25ème anniversaire de la Convention sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés qui se tiendra au siège d’UNIDROIT à Rome (également à distance via Zoom). La conférence a pour objectif de 
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On 20 June 2018, Ms Marina Schneider, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer, gave a lecture to the students of the Geneva Summer School of International Cultural Heritage Law – University of Geneva about the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects.   -> 
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Study LVIII A – W.G.6 – Doc. 4 - Summary table of comments on draft MLF
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From 3 to 5 June 2024, the Working Group on International Investment Contracts met for its third session at the seat of UNIDROIT and online via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 35 Working Group Members and (representatives of) Observers. The project on the UNIDROIT 
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Le 30 septembre 2016, Université Roma Tre et UNIDROIT ont organisé conjointement la Troisième édition de la Conférence annuelle d’arbitrage international intitulée “Mandatory rules and international arbitrators, in the light of Article 1.4 of the UNIDROIT Principles”. M. Alberto Mazzoni (Président d’UNIDROIT), M. José Angelo 
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