Between 4 to 6 March 2024, the Working Group on Bank Insolvency met for its sixth session at the seat of UNIDROIT in Rome and online via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 15 individual experts and over 60 representatives of the Working Group’s institutional 
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UNIDROIT is proud to announce that “Perspectives in Practice of the UNIDROIT Principles 2016”, published by the International Bar Association, is now live on the IBA website. Please visit this page to view the book. The project is based on a Memorandum of Understanding between the IBA 
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On 6 July 2021, the Government of Canada deposited with the Government of the United States of America, Depositary of the Convention, a declaration extending to the territory of Yukon the 1973 Convention Providing a Uniform Law on the Form of an International Will, in 
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On 29-30 November and 1 December 2021, the Working Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement, chaired by Governing Council member Kathryn Sabo, met at UNIDROIT’s Headquarters in Rome and via Zoom to discuss the outcome of the intersessional work undertaken by its members and 
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C.D. (103) 2 - Annual Report 2023
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La deuxième édition du Commentaire de Lyndel Prott sur la Convention d’UNIDROIT de 1995 sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés vient d’être publiée par l’Institute of Art and Law (ISBN : 978-1-903978-43-8). Ce Commentaire a été préparé par le Prof. Lyndel Prott qui 
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On 8 September 2017, UNIDROIT hosted a Lecture for the 26th edition of the Summer Course on Space Law and Policy of the European Centre for Space Law, which this year was organised by La Sapienza University of Rome.   About 50 lawyers from 29 
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Lors de sa 102ème session, tenue du 10 au 12 mai 2023 à Rome, le Conseil de Direction a approuvé à l’unanimité le projet de Loi type CNUDCI/UNIDROIT sur les récépissés d’entrepôt, qui sera ensuite soumis aux négociations intergouvernementales à la CNUDCI. Le projet conjoint 
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Beyrouth, Liban: les 14 et 15 décembre 2016, Mme Marina Schneider, Juriste principale d’UNIDROIT, a participé à la Conférence organisée par INTERPOL  pour évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Résolution 2199 du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies pour la protection du patrimoine culturel au Moyen-Orient 
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On 30 April 2024, UNIDROIT participated in a workshop for the Central Bank of Jordan on “Legal Perspectives in Factoring and Supply Chain Finance”. Organised by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Legal Transition Team and Trade Facilitation Programme in collaboration with the 
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