On 25 September 2018, UNIDROIT was invited to attend the General Assembly of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), the future Secretariat of the Supervisory Authority, which coincided with the celebration of OTIF’s 125th anniversary. After an introduction by OTIF Secretary-General Mr 
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Le Congrès du Pérou a adopté, le 19 juillet 2021, une révision de la Constitution modifiant son article 21 (loi Nº 31304 publiée au Journal Officiel en date du 23 juillet 2021). Cette loi établit la propriété de l’État sur les biens culturels non découverts et 
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 2 - Development of the MLF Guide to Enactment
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Le 23 juin 2017, UNIDROIT a accueilli la Conférence annuelle de l’Association italienne pour l’arbitrage organisée en collaboration avec le Forum italien pour l’arbitrage et les ADR (ArbIT). La Conférence a traité de l’advocacy and legal privilege, et plus spécifiquement des aspects concernant les relations 
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On the occasion of the G20 Culture Ministers meeting, held in Rome on 29 and 30 July 2021, the Rome declaration has been adopted which, among other, reiterate the concern for the growing illicit trafficking of cultural property…… and call on the international community to 
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On 12 November 2021, Professor Anna Veneziano (Deputy Secretary-General at UNIDROIT) and Mr. Hamza Hameed (Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT) delivered a joint lecture over Zoom for the students of the Transnational Business Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran. The lecture was attended by almost 
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Le 5 septembre 2018, le Secrétaire Général est intervenu le premier jour de la conférence intitulée  “Society, Law, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” qui s’est tenue à Prague (Conférence SOLAIR, 5 et 6 septembre). La conférence portait essentiellement sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et ses implications juridiques 
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On 30 April, Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado was invited to participate in an online forum entitled “Toward Coordinated Implementation of International Standards for Secured Transactions” co-organised by the Kozolchyk National Law Center (NatLaw) and the World Bank Group. After an introduction by the organisers Elaine MacEachern 
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The UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming in Chinese (Mandarin) –《订单农业法律指南》 – has just been released. Translated under the supervision of Mr Philip Peng 彭先伟/ – Partner, DeHeng Law Offices, it is published under ISBN 978-7-301-30142-5 by Peking University Press. Copies may be ordered from Peking 
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On 17-19 October 2022, the Working Group on Bank Insolvency, chaired by Governing Council member Stefania Bariatti, met for its third session. The meeting was hosted by the Single Resolution Board (SRB) in Brussels, and was attended by 10 Working Group members and 31 observers, 
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