Ninth session of the UNIDROIT Working Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement

The ninth session of the UNIDROIT Working Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement took place at the seat of the Institute (and online) from 2 to 4 December 2024.

Twenty-five participants (including expert members, institutional and individual observers, and representatives of the UNIDROIT Secretariat) discussed a first completed draft of the instrument covering recommendations on enforcement by public authority, enforcement of security rights, and enforcement on digital assets, as well as individual revised draft recommendations on online auctions and expeditious relief in extra-judicial enforcement. Additionally, the Drafting Committee met on 2, 5, and online only on 9 December to advance the drafting of the instrument. Work will continue intersessionally to finalise the draft instrument, which will then be sent to various stakeholders for consultation.

The tenth session of the Working Group is scheduled for 10-12 March 2025.

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