103rd Session
(Rome, 8-10 May 2024)


Summary Conclusions (C.D. (103) Misc. 2)

Report (C.D. (103) 30)


Provisional Order of Business (C.D. (103) Misc. 1 rev.)

1. Adoption of the annotated draft agenda (C.D. (103) 1 rev.)

2. Appointments (C.D. (103) 1 rev.)

(a) First and Second Vice-Presidents of the Governing Council
(b) Members ad honorem of the Governing Council
(c) Members of the Permanent Committee

3. Reports

(a) Annual Report 2023 (C.D. (103) 2)
(b) Report on the UNIDROIT Foundation (C.D. (103) 3)

4. Ongoing legislative activities carried over from the 2020-2022 Work Programme

(a) Best Practices for Effective Enforcement (C.D. (103) 4 / Annexe )
(b) Bank Insolvency (C.D. (103) 5 / Annexes I&II)
(c) Collaborative Legal Structures for Agricultural Enterprises (C.D. (103) 6 / Annexe )
(d) Private Art Collections (C.D. (103) 7)
(e) Principles of Reinsurance Contracts (C.D. (103) 8 / Annexe)

5. Update on certain high-priority projects on the 2023-2025 Work Programme

(a) Model Laws and Guides to Enactment:

i.  UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring and Guide to Enactment (C.D. (103) 9.1)
ii. Proposed amendment to the Model Law on Factoring (C.D. (103) 9.1 bis)
iii. UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts and Guide to Enactment (C.D. (103) 9.2)

(b) UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Investment Contracts (C.D. (103) 10)
(c) Legal nature of Voluntary Carbon Credits (C.D. (103) 11)

6. Update on other projects and exploratory work concerning the 2023-2025 Work Programme

(a) Development of a guidance document on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence in Global Value Chains (C.D. (103) 12)
(b) European Law Institute project proposal in the area of technology and global value chains (C.D. (103) 12 bis)
(c) Conclusion of the exploratory work conducted on the HCCH-UNIDROIT Project on Law Applicable to Cross-Border Holdings and Transfers of Digital Assets and Tokens (C.D. (103) 13  / Annexe )

7. International Interests in Mobile Equipment:

(a) Implementation and status of the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol (oral presentation)
(b) Implementation and status of the Luxembourg Rail Protocol (C.D. (103) 14)
(c) Implementation and status of the Space Protocol (C.D. (103) 15)
(d) Implementation and status of the Protocol on Matters specific to Mining, Agricultural and Construction Equipment (MAC Protocol) (C.D. (103) 16)
(e) The designation of UNIDROIT as Supervisory Authority for the MAC Protocol Registry (C.D. (103) 17)

8. International Protection of Cultural Property: Implementation and status of the 1995 Convention (C.D. (103) 18)

9. Promotion Strategy for other UNIDROIT Instruments (C.D. (103) 19)

10. UNIDROIT Correspondents (C.D. (103) 20 / Annexe II)

11. UNIDROIT Academy (C.D. (103) 21)

(a) UNIDROIT Academic Projects
(b) Academic Institutes and Law Centres

i. Queen Mary University London (QMUL) – UNIDROIT Institute of Transnational Commercial Law
ii. Roma Tre- UNIDROIT – Centre for Transnational Commercial Law and International Arbitration
iii. Nordic Law Centre and dedicated Library Section
iv. UNIDROIT Asian Transnational Law Centre

(c) UNIDROIT International Programme for Law and Development
(d) UNIDROIT Chair Programmes and fellowships
(e) UNIDROIT Library
(f) UNIDROIT Scholarship, Internship and Research Programme
(g) Cooperation with academic institutions
(h) UNIDROIT Publications

12. Communications strategy and social media outreach (C.D. (103) 22)

13. Implementation strategy for newly adopted UNIDROIT Instruments

(a) UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring (C.D. (103) 23)
(b) UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law (C.D. (103) 24)

14. Institutional Administrative matters

(a) Report of the Special Committee to update the UNIDROIT Regulations (C.D. (103) 25)
(b) Preparation of the draft Budget for the 2025 financial year (C.D. (103) 26)
(c) Remote procedures for Governing Council (C.D. (103) 27)
(d) UNIDROIT future stable regional outreach strategy (C.D. (103) 28)

15. Preparation of the centenary of UNIDROIT (C.D. (103) 29)

16. Date and venue of the 104th session of the Governing Council (C.D. (103) 1 rev.)

17. Any other business