Documents issued in connection with the 67th session of the Finance Committee of UNIDROIT
(Rome, 25 March 2010)


Report (F.C. (67) 5)


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1. Agenda (F.C. (67) 1 rev.)

2. Consideration of the Secretariat’s first estimates for the draft budget for the financial year 2011 (F.C. (67) 2)

3. Information on the Contributions Chart of the Institute (F.C. (67) 3)

4. First review of the Accounts of the financial year 2009

5. Possible scope, purpose and financing of a study on functional and financial review of the Organisation, its structures and working methods

6. Amendements to the UNIDROIT Regulations on financial matters: Proposal by Germany (F.C. (67) 4)

7. Any other business