In order to permit us to offer hospitality to all guests of the UNIDROIT library, you are kindly requested to observe the rules below:

– Library users must hold a current library card, which must be issued upon request at the reference desk.

– All mobile phones should be switched off or on “silent ring” when entering the library.

– Smoking and eating are forbidden in the library. Bottled water is permitted.

– The library takes no responsibility for any personal property brought into the library.

– No unauthorised person shall enter or be in the library for any purpose when the building is formally closed.

– No one shall deliberately or carelessly mutilate, deface or misplace any library material.

– Material consulted in the library should be left on the reference desk and not be replaced on the shelves.


Loans and books requests

At the entrance of the Library you will find a helpdesk with staff at your disposal. Furthermore, the helpdesk is the place where to ask and check out your books.

The Library is a reference library and its holdings are stored in closed stacks. There is no free access to the items, neither in the reading areas nor in the storage rooms.

No book, periodical or other library material may be removed from the library until the prescribed loan form for it has been completed, signed and handed in at the delivery desk. An external loan is not permitted.

There is a copier located in the Library. Copy cards are available at the reference desk. Any person making use of the photocopying facilities of the library shall comply with current law on copyright.

The requested materials will be brought directly from the stacks following your order and handed out at the delivery desk.



Ms Patricia Lemaire
Via Panisperna 28,
00184 Rome, Italy

Telephone: +39 06 69 62 126
Fax:+39 06 69 94 13 94