In 1987 Professor Gino Gorla, formerly Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, donated to the UNIDROIT Library his collection of antique books which served as a support to his research on case law in Europe from the 17th to the early part of the 19th Century.

This collection of over 550 titles comprising about 900 volumes is composed of treatises, commentaries, collections of decisiones, resolutiones, consilia, responsa, allegationes and controversiae forenses, as well as a number of books dealing specifically with commercial law and maritime law.

The collection, catalogued by Ms Paula Howarth of the UNIDROIT Secretariat, has been conserved as a whole and is presently shelved in its own room in the UNIDROIT Library.

Gorla Collection Catalogue


The Cordero-Moss Collection originates from the generous donation made to the UNIDROIT Library by Professor Giuditta Cordero-Moss (University of Oslo), consisting of part of the library of Professor Franco Cordero, a distinguished Italian academic, as well as a selection of works on Norwegian private law. This Collection serves as a valuable resource for the study of private law in Northern European countries and comparative law, further enhancing the reach of the Nordic Law Centre (NLC), established by UNIDROIT to promote research and academic cooperation in these fields.