Adoption: Place: Cape Town

Date: 16.11.2001

Entry into force: 01.03.2006 (Art. 49(1))

Contracting States: 88

Regional economic integration organisations: 1

Depositary: UNIDROIT


-> Printable chart of signatures, ratifications and accessions.


State Signature RT / AS RATIFICATION (RT)
Afghanistan AS 25.07.2006 01.11.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Albania AS 30.10.2007 01.02.2008 39(1)(a)-(b),54(2)
Angola AS 30.04.2006 01.08.2006 39(1)(a), 40, 54(2)
Argentina AS 10.04.2018 01.08.2018 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 53, 54(2)
Australia AS 26.05.2015 01.09.2015 39(1)(a), 53, 54(2), 55
Bahrain AS 27.11.2012 01.03.2013 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 54(2)
Bangladesh AS 15.12.2008 01.04.2009 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Belarus AS 28.06.2011 01.01.2012 54(2)
Benin AS 20.03.2025 01.07.2025 39(1)(a)-(b), 53 ,54(2)
Bhutan AS 04.07.2014 01.11.2014 39(1)(a), 54(2)
Brazil AS 30.11.2011 01.03.2012 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 53, 54(2)
Burkina Faso AS 12.12.2014 01.01.2018 54(2)
Burundi 16.11.2001
Cameroon AS 19.04.2011 01.08.2011 39(1)(a), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Canada 31.03.2004 RT 21.12.2012 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 52*, 53*, 54(2), 60
Cape Verde AS 26.09.2007 01.01.2008 39(1)(a), 40, 53, 54(2)
Chile 16.11.2001
China 16.11.2001 RT 03.02.2009 01.06.2009 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 40, 50, 53, 54(1),54(2), 55
Colombia AS 19.02.2007 01.06.2007 39(1)(a), 54(2)
Congo 16.11.2001 AC 25.01.2013 01.05.2013 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Costa Rica AS 26.08.2011 01.12.2018 53, 54(2)
Côte d’Ivoire AS 09.02.2015 01.07.2016 39(1)(a)*, 40*, 52*, 53*, 54(2)*
Cuba 16.11.2001 RT 28.01.2009 01.05.2009 54(2)
Cyprus AS 20.07.2023 01.11.2023 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 40, 53, 54(2)
Democratic Republic of the Congo AS 06.05.2016 01.09.2016 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Denmark AS 26.10.2015 01.02.2016 39(1)(a)*-(b)*, 40*, 52*, 54(2)*, 55*
Egypt AS 10.12.2014 01.04.2015 39(1)(a)* 53* 54(2)*
Eswatini AS 17.11.2016 01.09.2017 54(2)
Ethiopia 16.11.2001 RT 21.11.2003 01.03.2006 39(1)(a), 40, 54(2)
Fiji AS 05.09.2011 01.09.2012 54(2)*
France 16.11.2001
Gabon AS 16.04.2010 01.08.2017 54(2)
Germany 17.09.2002 D
Ghana 16.11.2001 RT 20.12.2018 01.04.2019 39(1)(a)-(b), 53, 54(2), 60(1)
Iceland AS 23.06.2020 01.10.2020 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2), 55
India AS 31.03.2008 01.07.2008 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Indonesia AS 16.03.2007 01.07.2007 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Iraq AS 26.01.2023 01.05.2023 39(1)(a), 54(2)
Ireland AS 29.07.2005 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 54(2)
Italy 06.12.2001
Jamaica 16.11.2001
Jordan 16.11.2001 RT 31.08.2010 01.12.2010 39(1)(a), 54(2)
Kazakhstan AS 21.01.2009 01.10.2011 39(1)(a)*-(b)*, 39(4)*, 40*, 53*, 54(2)*
Kenya 16.11.2001 RT 13.10.2006 01.02.2007 39(1)(a)*-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Kuwait AS 31.10.2013 01.02.2014 39(1)(a)*-(b)*, 40*, 54(2)
Kyrgyzstan AS 13.05.2021 01.09.2021 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 40, 53,54(2)
Latvia AS 08.02.2011 01.06.2011 39(1)(a)*, 40*, 54(2)
Lesotho 16.11.2001
Luxembourg AS 27.06.2008 01.10.2008 53, 54(2)
Madagascar AS 10.04.2013 01.08.2013 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Malawi AS 16.01.2014 01.05.2014 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Malaysia AS 02.11.2005 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Malta AS 01.10.2010 01.02.2011 39(1)(a), 39(4), 40, 53, 54(2)
Mexico AS 31.07.2007 01.11.2007 39(1)(a)-(b), 50, 53, 54(2), 60
Mongolia AS 19.10.2006 01.02.2007 39(1)(a)-(b), 53, 54(2)
Mozambique AS 30.01.2012 01.11.2013 39(1)(a), 40, 54(2)
Myanmar AS 03.12.2012 01.04.2013 39(1)(a), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Namibia AS 23.07.2018 01.11.2018 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 54(2), 55


AS 17.05.2010 39(1)(a)-(b), 52, 53, 54(2)
New Zealand AS 20.07.2010 01.11.2010 39(1)(a), 52, 53, 54(2), 55
Niger AS 17.11.2022 01.03.2023 54(2)
Nigeria 16.11.2001 RT 16.12.2003 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)*, 40*, 53*, 54(2)*
Norway AS 20.12.2010 01.04.2011 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 54(2), 55
Oman AS 21.03.2005 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Pakistan AS 22.01.2004 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Panama 11.09.2002 RT 28.07.2003 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 50, 53, 54(2)
Paraguay AS 19.12.2018 01.04.2019 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 53, 54(2), 60
Qatar AS 08.01.2020 01.05.2020 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Republic of Moldova AS 26.06.2015 01.06.2019 54(2)
Romania AS 30.03.2018 01.07.2018 39(1)(b), 54(2)
Russian Federation AS 25.05.2011 01.09.2011 39(1)(a)-(b), 53, 54(2)
Rwanda AS 28.01.2010 01.05.2010 39(1)(a), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
San Marino AS 09.09.2014 01.01.2015 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 40, 53, 54(2)
Saudi Arabia 12.03.2003 RT 27.06.2008 01.10.2008 54(2)
Senegal 02.04.2002 RT 09.01.2006 01.05.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
Seychelles AS 13.09.2010 – 1
Sierra Leone AS 26.07.2016 01.11.2016 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Singapore AS 28.01.2009 01.05.2009 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 53, 54(2)
South Africa 16.11.2001 RT 18.01.2007 01.05.2007 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53*,54(2), 60
Spain AS 28.06.2013 01.03.2016 39(1) (a)-(b)*, 40*, 52, 53*, 60, 54(2)
Sudan 16.11.2001
Sweden AS 30.12.2015 01.04.2016 39(1)(a)-(b), 39(4), 40, 54(2)
Switzerland 16.11.2001
Syrian Arab. Rep. AS 07.08.2007 – 1
Tajikistan AS 31.05.2011 01.09.2011 54(2)
Togo AS 27.01.2010 01.04.2012 39(1)(a)*-(b)*, 40*, 53*, 54(2)*
Tonga 16.11.2001
Türkiye 16.11.2001 RT 23.08.2011 01.12.2011 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 50, 54(2)
Uganda AS 11.10.2024 01.02.2025 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Ukraine 09.03.2004 RT 31.07.2012 01.11.2012 50, 53, 54(2)
United Arab Emirates AS 29.04.2008 01.08.2008 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 52, 53, 54(2)
United Kingdom

of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

16.11.2001 RT 27.07.2015 01.11.2015 39(1)(a)*-(b)*, 39(4)*, 52*, 53*, 54(2)*
United Rep. of Tanzania 16.11.2001 RT 30.01.2009 01.05.2009 54(2)
United States of America 09.05.2003 RT 28.10.2004 01.03.2006 39(1)(a)-(b), 54(2)
Uzbekistan AS 31.01.2018 01.05.2018 53, 54(2)
Viet Nam AS 17.09.2014 01.01.2015 39(1)(a)-(b), 40, 53, 54(2)
Zambia AS 07.09.2020 01.01.2021 39(1)(a)-(b), 54(2)
Zimbabwe AS 13.05.2008 – 1


Regional Economic Integration Organisations Signature RT / AS RATIFICATION (RT)
European Union AS 28.04.2009 01.08.2009 48(2), 55


1    Entry into force subject to: Convention Article 49(2)

2    This State has provided UNIDROIT with information about its laws and policies in relation to the Convention


3 Accession of the Netherlands was for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba (only). The accession became effective on 1 September 2010. Following a modification of the internal constitutional relations within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the declarations made for the Netherlands Antilles were confirmed for Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Caribbean part of the Netherlands (the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba), effective from 10 October 2010. The declarations made for Aruba remain valid as from 1 September 2010.



*   Affected by withdrawal and/or subsequent declaration.



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