On 7 December 2017, the 76th session of the General Assembly of UNIDROIT was held at the seat of the Institute in Rome. The Ambassador of Indonesia was elected Chairperson of the General Assembly 2017-2018. The Assembly approved the Accounts of the 2016 financial year, adopted 
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The instrument of accession to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention has been deposited by Montenegro with the Italian Government, Depositary of the Convention, on 8 July 2019 and the Convention will enter into force for Montenegro on 1 January 2020. This accession strengthens the legal framework 
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Sur invitation uniquement  
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220720 Sustainable Development Cape Town Convention H Hameed
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Le Groupe de travail aéronautique a invité les principales parties prenantes à participer à une importante réunion régionale sud-américaine du Groupe de travail aéronautique (AWG) sur la Convention du Cap et son Protocole aéronautique (CTC) et la transférabilité transfrontalière des aéronefs (XBT). Cette réunion, accueillie 
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From 3 to 5 June 2024, the Working Group on International Investment Contracts met for its third session at the seat of UNIDROIT and online via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 35 Working Group Members and (representatives of) Observers. The project on the UNIDROIT 
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On 9 October 2020, Secretary General Ignacio Tirado provided a closing speech at the II International Congress of Insurance Law, which was co-hosted by ICADE Business School, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Comillas Pontifical University and the Uria-Menendez Law firm. The Congress, entitled 
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The instrument of accession of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention, together with the compulsory declarations, has been deposited by the Kingdom of Morocco with the Italian Government, Depositary of the Convention, on 3 August 2022. The Convention will enter into force for Morocco on 1 February 
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La société de conseil Oxera a publié une étude réalisée pour le Groupe de travail ferroviaire qui évalue à plusieurs milliards de dollars des Etats-Unis les économies que le Protocole ferroviaire de Luxembourg pourrait entraîner pour le continent africain. Le Rapport a été publié lors 
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