On 15 November 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between UNIDROIT and Roma Tre Law Department, aimed at strengthening the cooperation between two leading institutions in the promotion and advancement of legal sciences.   The signature of this Memorandum lays the foundations to develop 
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Le 5 novembre 2019, le Secrétaire Général, Professeur Ignacio Tirado, a été invité à prononcer un discours dans le cadre des événements marquant le 50ème anniversaire de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Hong Kong. “Repenser le droit international”, tel était le titre du 
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On 27 October 2016, UNIDROIT hosted a conference, co-organised with Roma Tre University and the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan. The Conference, opened by the President of UNIDROIT, Professor Alberto Mazzoni, Professor  Ferruccio Auletta of the University of Naples “Federico II” and President of Chamber 
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C.D. (101) 15 - Nomination d'une Autorité de surveillance pour le Registre du Protocole MAC
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The Cape Town Convention Academic Project held its seventh annual conference in Oxford from 12-13 September 2018 at the Blavatnik School of Government. The Conference, sponsored by  University of Washington School of Law and the University of Oxford Faculty of Law, covered and discussed a 
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Study LXXXIIIA - W.G.1 - Doc. 2 - Draft Guide to Enactment to the MLWR
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Study LXXXIIIA - W.G.1 - Doc. 2 - Draft Guide to Enactment to the MLWR
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C.D.(102)5-Loi type sur l'affacturage
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