C.D. (101) 15 - Nomination d'une Autorité de surveillance pour le Registre du Protocole MAC
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During her internship at UNIDROIT in 2021, Ms Valentine Molineau wrote a report on the role of the museum in the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property as part of the Master 2 – Cultural Heritage Law at the Jean Monnet Law School (Université 
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C.D. (101) 15 - Nomination d'une Autorité de surveillance pour le Registre du Protocole MAC
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es 24 et 25 février, UNIDROIT a apporté son expertise juridique lors d’un séminaire de l’APEC sur l’utilisation des instruments internationaux pour renforcer l’application des contrats dans le financement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement pour les entreprises mondiales à Nha Trang au Viet Nam. Le séminaire a 
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The 4th Workshop for project on Best Practices in the Field of Electronic Registry Design and Operation took place at the UNIDROIT Headquarters in Rome on 9 September. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the meeting was held in hybrid format, with 9 participants present at 
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The instrument of approval of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention was deposited by Mexico with the Italian Government, Depositary of the Convention, on 11 May 2022. The Convention will thus enter into force for Mexico on 1 November 2022. This accession strengthens Mexico’s legal framework for 
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