Avv. Giorgio Corno (Italy)
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DCME-MAC – Doc. 7 - The CTC and draft MAC Protocol - an overview
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DCME-MAC – Doc. 7 - The CTC and draft MAC Protocol - an overview
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Study LVIII B – W.G.1 – Doc. 5 - Model Law on Factoring Implementation Update
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Study LXXXVI - W.G.3 - Doc. 2 - Issues Paper
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A.G. (81) 3 - Adoption du Programme de travail 2023-2025 FINAL
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Le 7 juin 2022, à l’occasion de l’ouverture du Conseil de Direction d’UNIDROIT, l’Institut du droit des affaires internationales d’ICC (ICCWBO) et UNIDROIT ont organisé un atelier conjoint où a été proposé un projet qui avait été soumis pour examen au Conseil de Direction d’UNIDROIT 
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On 3 May 2017, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano took part in an event on the Cape Town Convention, the Aircraft Protocol, and select other international aviation topics in Dubai.   The event, organised by the Aviation Working Group, was hosted by the General Aviation Authority 
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On 29 September 2016, among the friends and colleagues gathered for the presentation to Professor Bonell of the publication of  “Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law. Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday”, Professor Marcel Fontaine (Emeritus of Louvain La 
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