L’instrument d’adhésion à la Convention d’UNIDROIT de 1995 a été déposé par le Royaume du Maroc auprès du Gouvernement italien, Dépositaire de la Convention, avec les déclarations obligatoires, le 3 août 2022. La Convention entrera ainsi en vigueur pour le Maroc le 1er février 2023. 
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On 12 December, UNIDROIT Legal Consultant Ms. Theodora Kostoula represented the UNIDROIT Secretariat at the international SOLAIR conference 2023 on Society, Law, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, organized primarily by the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the 
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On 12 November 2021, Professor Anna Veneziano (Deputy Secretary-General at UNIDROIT) and Mr. Hamza Hameed (Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT) delivered a joint lecture over Zoom for the students of the Transnational Business Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran. The lecture was attended by almost 
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On 24 August 2021, UNIDROIT entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Tashkent State University of Law to further collaborative work and foster engagement between the Institute and the University. Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) is a public higher educational institution and is 
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C.D. (103) 30 - Report _Final website
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220720 Sustainable Development Cape Town Convention H Hameed
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Le 11 novembre 2020, Carlo Di Nicola, Fonctionnaire principal, a fait une présentation via webinaire aux étudiants du Centre de droit commercial de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Nottingham. Il a donné un aperçu de l’historique de l’Institut, de ses Etats membres et 
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  Following her participation in the International Workshop entitled “Improving Small Scale Farmers’ Welfare” organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia in Jakarta on 6 November, Ms Frederique Mestre, Senior Legal Officer visited the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada 
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