On Wednesday 18 January, UNIDROIT presented the Mining, Agricultural and Construction (MAC) Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) to the Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) General Assembly at its 2023 Congress in Chamonix, France. Senior Legal Officer 
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Le 22 septembre 2016, dans le cadre de la 11ème Conférence annuelle de l’Association des études juridiques sino-européennes, organisée avec l’Université Roma Tre, UNIDROIT a ouvert ses portes aux délégués de la Conférence pour une soirée consacrée à une introduction aux travaux de l’Institut. Dans 
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On 16 July 2019, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano participated in a meeting in Berne hosted by the Secretary General of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), Mr Wolfgang Küpper, with participation of the Chair of the Rail Working Group Mr Howard Rosen 
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On Monday 25 September 2023, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) welcomed a high-level delegation from UNIDROIT to its Headquarters in London. The purpose of the mission was to strengthen UNIDROIT – EBRD cooperation on projects of mutual interest, with a particular focus 
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On 4 May 2021, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano represented UNIDROIT in the book launch of “Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts” (Oxford University Press, 2021), in a panel together with HCCH SG Christophe Bernasconi and First Secretary João Ribeiro-Bidaoui, and UNCITRAL Legal Officer Luca 
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C.D. (102)21-Académie d'UNIDROIT
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Le 6 décembre 2019, UNIDROIT a été invité à prendre la parole lors d’un Colloque organisé par la CNUDCI au Centre international de Vienne pour discuter des questions relatives à la localisation et au recouvrement des avoirs civils. L’objectif du colloque était de mieux définir 
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On 25 September 2018, UNIDROIT was invited to attend the General Assembly of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), the future Secretariat of the Supervisory Authority, which coincided with the celebration of OTIF’s 125th anniversary. After an introduction by OTIF Secretary-General Mr 
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Study LXXXIII - W.G.4 - Doc. 2 - Issues Paper
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On 10-11 March 2020, UNCITRAL hosted the second session of Joint Workshops, co-organised by sister organisation UNIDROIT, to develop a legal taxonomy of key emerging technologies and their applications (including Artificial Intelligence, Data transactions, Digital Assets, and Distributed Ledger Technology). The session took place in 
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