On 19 December 2018 Paraguay’s instruments of accession to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and to the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment were deposited with UNIDROIT. Paraguay made declarations under Articles 
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Le 10 novembre 2022, UNIDROIT a participé à la 5ème Conférence Belt and Road, organisée par la Law Society of Hong Kong à Hong Kong, en Chine. Organisée dans le cadre de la semaine juridique de Hong Kong 2022 et soutenue par la Commonwealth Lawyers 
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As part of the ongoing online consultation on the draft Model Law on Factoring (MLF), on Wednesday 12 October 2022 UNIDROIT will hold a virtual Question and Answer (Q&A) session. The Q&A will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the draft MLF before the 
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On 9 April 2024, UNIDROIT Member States and Cape Town Convention Contracting States, Stakeholders and Experts gathered at UNIDROIT Headquarters in Rome to celebrate the Entry into Force of the Luxembourg Rail Protocol. The Event was opened by the Secretaries General of UNIDROIT and OTIF, 
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On 10-11 March 2020, UNCITRAL hosted the second session of Joint Workshops, co-organised by sister organisation UNIDROIT, to develop a legal taxonomy of key emerging technologies and their applications (including Artificial Intelligence, Data transactions, Digital Assets, and Distributed Ledger Technology). The session took place in 
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Le 23 mai, Mme Marina Schneider, Juriste Principale et Dépositaire des Traités d’UNIDROIT, était invitée par Mme Sabine Verheyen et M. Arndt Kohn, actuellement membres du Parlement européen, à une Conférence sur le trafic illégal de biens culturels, tenue au Parlement européen (Bruxelles). M. Pierre 
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La cinquième édition du Official Commentary on the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment par le Professeur Sir Roy Goode sera publié en mai 2022. Pour commander le volume, remplir le Bon de commande de 
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La Professeure Maria Chiara Malaguti, Présidente d’UNIDROIT, a félicité l’ICCROM à l’occasion du 60ème anniversaire de l’adhésion de l’Italie à l’ICCROM, rendue officielle  par la ratification de l’Accord de siège. UNIDROIT se joint aux autres organisations pour féliciter l’ICCROM et tout son personnel pour le travail 
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On 10 October 2017, UNIDROIT was invited to participate in the session panel on “Agricultural supply chains in Southeast Asia: legal considerations from ‘farm to the fork’” in the framework of the Annual IBA Conference in Sydney on 9-13 October. The session was organised by 
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