On 22 November 2019, the fourth Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Mining, Agricultural and Construction Equipment (the “MAC Protocol”) was adopted in Pretoria, South Africa. The treaty is a result of 14 years of work for 
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C.D. (101) 4 - Propositions nouveau Programme de travail 2023-2025
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C.D. (101) 4 - Propositions nouveau Programme de travail 2023-2025
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C.D. (101) 4 - Propositions nouveau Programme de travail 2023-2025
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W.G.6 - Doc. 3 - Compared Version with Issues Paper (ANNEX)
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W.G.6 - Doc. 3 - Compared Version with Issues Paper (ANNEX)
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On 28 February 2019 UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer Ms Frederique Mestre made a presentation on “International Regulatory Models for Contract Farming” at a Workshop on “Agricultura por contrato – Aspectos legales y regulatorios, ordenamiento productivo, instrumentos financieros” – organised by… the Colombian Ministry for Agriculture 
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Study 84 - W.G. 5 - Doc. 2 - Secretariat's Report
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Study LXXXIV - W.G. 3 - Doc. 2 - Secretariat's Report
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Study 84 - W.G. 4 - Doc. 2 - Secretariat's Report_rev
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