Mr Haroun Rahimi, Visiting Professor of Law, Università Bocconi

Ms GUO Yu, Associate Professor, Peking University, Law School

Ms HUANG Meiling, Full Professor of Law, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Mr JI Wenhua, Professor, University of International Business and Economics, Law School

Mr Sandeepa Bhat, Professor of Law, The WB National University of Juridical Sciences West Bengal

Ms Prita Amalia, Professor, Universitas Padjadjaran

Ms Megumi Hara, Professor of Law, Chuo University

Mr Souichirou Kozuka, Professor of law, Gakushuin University

Mr Hiroo Sono, Professor of law, Hokkaido University

Mr Taimur Malik, Partner, Clyde & Co LLP

Mr Virgilio Ramos de los Reyes, Dean and Associate Professor, De La Salle University, College of Law

Mr CHUNG Hong-Sik, Professor of Law, Chung-Ang University

Mr LEE Jong Hyeok, Esq., Hanyang University School of Law

Ms Dora Neo, Associate Professor and Director, Centre for Banking & Finance Law, National University of Singapore

Mr Paul NG, Head of Aviation, Partner, Rajah & Tann, Asia


Mr Walter Doralt, Professor, University of Graz

Ms Gerte Reichelt, Professor, University of Vienna

Ms Frédérique Ferrand, Professor and Director EDIEC and IDCEL, Jean Moulin University

Mr Jean-François Riffard, Professor, University of Clermont Auvergne

Ms Irini Stamatoudi, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Nicosia, Cyprus

Mr Dimitrios Tsikrikas, Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Mr Fabrizio Cafaggi, Judge at the Italian Council of State and Professor, University of Trento

Mr Giorgio Corno, Partner, Studio Corno Avvocati and Vice President, INSOL Europe

Mr Sergio Marchisio, Professor, Sapienza University of Rome

Mr Philippe Dupont, Partner, Arendt & Medernach S.A. Luxembourg

Mr Ben Schuijling, Professor and Director Radboud Business Law Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen

Ms Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, UNESCO Chair on Cultural Property Law, University of Opole

Ms Crenguta Leaua, Professor, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Ms Olga Fonotova, Associate Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Mr Miloš Levrinc, Associate Professor, Matej Bel University

Ms Christina Ramberg, Professor, Stockholm University

Mr Pascal Pichonnaz, Professor, University of Fribourg and President, European Law Institute


Ms Louise Gullifer, QC (hon) FBA, Professor, University of Cambridge

Mr Howard Rosen, Solicitor, Howard Rosen Solicitors and Chairman, Rail Working Group


Mr Sofiane Benmessaoud, Advocate, Lecturer, University Oran 2 – Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Mr Mohamed Sameh Amr, Dean of the Law School at Cairo University, Founding Partner – AMR & PARTNERS LAW FIRM, Attorney-at-Law, Arbitrator & Mediator

Dr. Radwa Elsaman, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, Cairo University

Mr Faruk Kerem Giray, Professor of Private International Law, Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Vice Dean

Mr Ergun Özsunay, Professor of Law, Istanbul University (Em.), Kadir Has University Faculty of Law



Mr Diego Fernandez Arroyo, Professor, Institut d’études politiques de Paris

Mr Alejandro Garro, Professor and Senior Research Scholar, Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law of Colombia University

Mr Julio César Rivera, Professor, Law School of Universidad de San Andrés

Ms Adriana Dreyzin de Klor, Professor, National University of Córdoba

Ms Paula Maria All, Professor, National University of the Littoral

Mr Iñigo Andres de la Maza Gazmuri, Professor, Diego Portales University

Mr Guillermo Caballero, Professor, University of Chile

Mr Jaime Gallegos, Professor, University of Chile

Mr Ignacio Garcia Pujol, Professor, Faculdad de Derecho UC

Ms Adriana Castro Pinzón, Professor, Externado de Colombia University

Mr Bernardo Rodríguez Ossa, Partner, Parra Rodríguez Abogados

Mr Christopher Glasscock, Associate, LOVILL foundation

Ms Andrea Santacoloma, Director, Adell & Merizalde

Mr Leysser León, Professor, Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Mr Anibal Quiroga Leon, Attorney, AQL Abogados

Ms Cecilia Fresnedo De Aguirre, Professor, University of the Republic and Catholic University of Uruguay

Ms Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Professor of Private International Law, University of Edinburgh


Mr Michel Deschamps, Associate Professor, University of Montreal

Ms Geneviève Saumier, Professor, McGill University

Mr Neil Cohen, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School

Mr Charles W. Mooney, Jr., Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

Mr Tim Schnabel, Executive Director, Uniform Law Commission

Mr Don Wallace, Jr., Professor, Georgetown University

Mr Jeffrey Wool, Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford


Mr Craig Forrest, Professor, University of Queensland
Ms Suzanne Howarth, Executive Member, International Law Section, Law Council of Australia

Mr Gavin McCosker, Australian Financial Security Authority

Ms Sheelagh McCracken, Professor, University of Sydney

Ms Lyndel V Prott, Emeritus Professor, University of Queensland

Mr Donald Robertson, Partner, Dentons

Ms Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, Professor, University of Technology Sydney

Mr Bruce Whittaker, Senior Fellow, University of Melbourne