Digital Platforms and Global Governance Conference

UNIDROIT President Professor  Maria Chiara Malaguti has the pleasure of inviting you to attend a Conference on 29 April 2022 in Villa Aldobrandini, on Digital Platforms and Global Governance, Co-organised with Professor Fabio Bassan of Roma Tre University and the European Law Institute (ELI). Programme 

Cape Town Convention Academic Project – 11th Conference

University of Cambridge , United Kingdom

This year’s conference will be held on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th of September 2022. It will be held in Cambridge as an in-person conference, but also with the opportunity to join virtually for anyone who is not able to join in person. It will 

9th Annual International Arbitration Lecture (Roma Tre-UNIDROIT)

Register now for the 9th Annual International Arbitration Lecture organised by Roma Tre University and UNIDROIT, which will be held at UNIDROIT and online on 30 September 2022! The lecture will be delivered by Professor Diego P. Fernández Arroyo on 30 September 2022 on “Beyond 

13th Transnational Commercial Law Teachers’ Meeting


UNIDROIT is delighted to host the 13th Transnational Commercial Law Teachers’ Meeting in Rome on 6-7 October 2022. Kindly note that this event is invitation only. Please write to for further information.  

UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring Q&A session

As part of the ongoing online consultation on the draft Model Law on Factoring (MLF), on Wednesday 12 October 2022 UNIDROIT will hold a virtual Question and Answer (Q&A) session. The Q&A will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the draft MLF before the