In the context of the UNIDROIT – Banca d’Italia Chair Programme, aimed at promoting the existing cooperation between UNIDROIT, the Bank of Italy and IVASS (the Italian supervisor of the insurance and reinsurance markets) by contributing to joint research, training and dissemination of matters of 
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On 29 June in the context of UNIDROIT’s International Programme for Law and Development, Prof Astrid Stadler (University of Konstanz, Germany), presented UNIDROIT’s work on civil procedure (ALI-UNIDROIT Principles and ELI/UNIDROIT European Model Rules).   The IPLD day closed with a presentation by Prof Teresa Rodriguez 
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On 28 June, Ignacio Tirado, Secretary-General, and Anna Veneziano, Deputy Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, welcomed Michel Nussbaumer, Director, Legal Transition Programme and Yulia Shapovalova, Principal Counsel of EBRD, to discuss matters of common interest and cooperation between the two organisations, with particular focus on Best Practices 
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On 28 June, in the context of UNIDROIT’s International Programme for Law and Development, Prof. Louise Gullifer (University of Cambridge), Dr Marek Dubovec (ILI and University of Arizona)  and UNIDROIT Senior Legal officer William Brydie Watson illustrated the role of UNIDROIT  instruments within the international 
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On 23 June, Judge of the High Court in South Africa Eduard Derek Wille, who had participated in the first edition of the International Programme for Law and Development (IPLD), returned to present his practical experience in using the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts as 
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On 23 June, Jose Angelo Estrella-Faria, Principal Legal Officer and Head of the Legislative Branch, UNCITRAL, and Philine Wehling, Legal Officer at Unidroit presented the draft UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts to the International Programme for Law and Development, focusing on the objectives and 
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On 20 June 2023, the participants in the UNIDROIT International Programme for Law and Development enjoyed great discussions about the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UPICC), led by Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado and Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano. Additionally, Legal Officer Philine Wehling focused on the 
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UNIDROIT President Professor Maria Chiara Malaguti took part in the Symposium “Construire demain / Build Tomorrow”, organised for the 150th Anniversary of the International Law Association (ILA), which was held in Paris on 18-20 June. In particular, the President participated in the Opening Ceremony, presenting 
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On 6 June 2023, UNIDROIT and the Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration of the University of Lausanne (UNIL FDCA) concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalise their cooperation in legal research and education. Among other things, the MoU provides for academic 
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On 5th June 2023 Unidroit launched the International Program for Law and Development with an opening speech from Prof. Maria Chiara Malaguti, President of Unidroit, Prof. Ignacio Tirado, Secretary-General and Prof.Anna Veneziano, Deputy Secretary-General. Unidroit was delighted to have the contribution of Minister Pasquale Velotti, 
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