The second UNIDROIT Session, organised the morning of 26th of October at the XXI IACL General Congress, was dedicated to UNIDROIT’s Instruments in Private Law and Agriculture. Chaired by Governing Council Member Jorge Sánchez Cordero (Mexican Center of Uniform Law), the session featured a panel 
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UNIDROIT had the honour of being invited to the XXI General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, the first since the pandemic, which was organised in Asunciòn from 23 to 28 of October 2022. At the opening of the IACL General Assembly that 
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  On 5 October 2022, UNIDROIT hosted  a presentation on NFTs and their impact on the regulation of the Art Market with the co-authors of “NFT: The other side of art”. Introduced by UNIDROIT President Maria Chiara Malaguti, Law Partners Filippo Annunziata and Andrea Conso 
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On 7 June 2022, as an opening event for the UNIDROIT Governing Council, the ICC Institute of World Business Law (ICCWBO) and UNIDROIT hosted a joint workshop showcasing a project proposal that had been made to the UNIDROIT Governing Council for consideration in the 2023-2025 
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On 8-10 June 2022, UNIDROIT hosted the 101st session of the Governing Council in hybrid format, opened and chaired by UNIDROIT President Professor Maria Chiara Malaguti. Minister Plenipotentiary and Head of the Service for Legal Affairs, Diplomatic Disputes and International Agreements Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy Mr 
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On 4-5 May 2022, UNIDROIT, represented by Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano, participated in the 5th  session of the Group of Experts on the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock, which addressed the development of the Model Clauses on the permanent marking on the Unique 
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On 29 April 2022,  UNIDROIT hosted a Conference on Digital Platforms and Global Governance, Co-organised with Professor Fabio Bassan of Roma Tre University and the European Law Institute (ELI). The Hybrid Conference was opened by President Maria Chiara Malaguti, and featured opening Keynote speeches from 
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On 26-28 April 2022, the Working Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement, chaired by Governing Council member Kathryn Sabo, met at UNIDROIT’s Headquarters in Rome and via Zoom to discuss the outcome of the intersessional work undertaken by its members and observers since the 
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The European Commission launched its “Action plan to boost long distance and cross-border passenger rail” on 14 December, which contains its clear commitment to the Luxembourg Rail Protocol stating the following: “In its conclusions of 3 June 2021, the Council recognised “that major investment by 
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On 29-30 November and 1 December 2021, the Working Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement, chaired by Governing Council member Kathryn Sabo, met at UNIDROIT’s Headquarters in Rome and via Zoom to discuss the outcome of the intersessional work undertaken by its members and 
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