On 8 April 2021, OTIF and UNIDROIT held the 9th session of the Rail Preparatory Commission for the establishment of an International Registry under the Luxembourg Rail Protocol. Though it was conducted remotely, the session was hosted by the OTIF Secretariat in Berne. The session was 
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The 53rd session of the UN Economic Commission for Africa was held from 17 to 23 March, dedicated to Africa’s Sustainable Industrialization and Diversification in the Digital Era in the Context of COVID-19. Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano represented UNIDROIT  in the Committee of Expert meeting, 
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On 14-15 December 2020, UNIDROIT participated in the second meeting of the Group of Experts established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock (PIRRS). The Group of Experts was established upon recommendation of the Inland Transport 
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On 2-4 September 2020, UNIDROIT Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado and Deputy Secretary General Professor Anna Veneziano were invited to participate in the first meeting of the Group of Experts established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling 
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The unprecedented economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Rail Sector is the focus of an article recently published by Mr Howard Rosen, Chairman of the Rail Working Group. Featured in the Global Railway Review, the article delves into the importance of guaranteeing 
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Consulting Company Oxera has released a study conducted for the Rail Working Group that assesses that the economic savings that the Luxembourg Rail Protocol could entail for the African Continent amount to billions of USD. The Report was released at the AfricaRail PPP webinar held 
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On 10 March 2020, co-sponsors UNIDROIT and the Rail Working Group participated in a conference funded by Aston University and the Global Challenges Research Fund in Lagos, Nigeria. On 10 March 2020,  co-sponsors UNIDROIT and the Rail Working Group participated in a conference funded by Aston 
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A conclusive communiqué was issued by the Ministers and delegates to the Fifth Week of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (5th PIDA Week, Cairo 25-29 November 2019) and the organizing and partners institutions, including… the African Union Commission (AUC), African Union Development Agency-NEPAD 
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On 22 October, at an event kindly hosted by Strathmore University Law School in Nairobi, UNIDROIT organised an International Conference to discuss the future fourth Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Mining, Agricultural and Construction 
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On 8 July 2019, UNIDROIT participated in an event in Beijing promoting the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention), the Luxembourg Rail Protocol and future Mining, Agricultural and Construction (MAC) Protocol. Delivered as part of a high-level conference entitled “UNIDROIT and 
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