The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) and the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) are pleased to announce the Canadian listed company, Information Services Corporation (ISC), through a wholly-owned subsidiary, has become the new owner of Regulis S.A., the 
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On 11 November 2022, UNIDROIT Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado delivered the keynote speech on “Rule of Law and Sustainable Development” for the Rule of Law Congress in Hong Kong, China. Organised by the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, the Rule 
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On 4-5 May 2022, UNIDROIT, represented by Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano, participated in the 5th  session of the Group of Experts on the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock, which addressed the development of the Model Clauses on the permanent marking on the Unique 
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On 22 March 2022, South Africa, which is already a Party to the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol, signed the Luxembourg Rail Protocol, which was adopted in February 2007 at a diplomatic Conference held in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Rail Protocol will enter into force when 
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On 10 January 2022, the Cape Town Convention and its Protocols were presented as part of a Legal Information and Management Series event organised by the Legal Department of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB). This event featured a presentation by UNIDROIT entitled: ‘The Cape 
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The European Commission launched its “Action plan to boost long distance and cross-border passenger rail” on 14 December, which contains its clear commitment to the Luxembourg Rail Protocol stating the following: “In its conclusions of 3 June 2021, the Council recognised “that major investment by 
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On 10 November 2021, the Kingdom of Spain, which is already a Party to the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol, signed the Luxembourg Rail Protocol, which was adopted in February 2007 at a diplomatic Conference held in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Rail Protocol will enter 
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On 13-14 September 2021, UNIDROIT participated in the fourth meeting of the Group of Experts established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock (PIRRS). The Group of Experts was established upon recommendation of the Inland 
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On 16 July 2019, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano participated in a meeting in Berne hosted by the Secretary General of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), Mr Wolfgang Küpper, with participation of the Chair of the Rail Working Group Mr Howard Rosen 
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On 3rd June 2021, the European Transport Council issued its Conclusions on “Putting Rail at the Forefront of Smart and Sustainable Mobility”, as the outcome of a dedicated meeting linked to the European Year of Rail. In this context, the EU Transport Council Declaration expressly recognised 
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