The fifth edition of the Official Commentary on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment by Professor Sir Roy Goode, will be published at the beginning of May 2022. The pre-publication discount will be 
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On 18 February 2022, Hamza Hameed (Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT) delivered a lecture entitled ‘Importance of a Uniform System of Secured Transactions Law in order to promote Asset-based Financing in the Space Sector: The Space Protocol of the Cape Town Convention’ to the students of 
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On 10 January 2022, the Cape Town Convention and its Protocols were presented as part of a Legal Information and Management Series event organised by the Legal Department of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB). This event featured a presentation by UNIDROIT entitled: ‘The Cape 
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On 3 December 2021, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano, and Legal Consultant Hamza Hameed, represented UNIDROIT in the 2021 International Conference on Ease of Doing Business organised by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea in Seoul, and online via Zoom. This event marked 
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The European Commission launched its “Action plan to boost long distance and cross-border passenger rail” on 14 December, which contains its clear commitment to the Luxembourg Rail Protocol stating the following: “In its conclusions of 3 June 2021, the Council recognised “that major investment by 
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On 18 November 2021, Ms Marina Schneider (Principal Legal Officer & Treaty Depositary, UNIDROIT), while in Porto Novo (Benin) to attend a strategic planning meeting organised by ICCROM in the context of its Project Youth.Heritage.Africa, met Mr Franck Armel AFOUKOU, Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry 
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On 12 November 2021, Professor Anna Veneziano (Deputy Secretary-General at UNIDROIT) and Mr. Hamza Hameed (Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT) delivered a joint lecture over Zoom for the students of the Transnational Business Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran. The lecture was attended by almost 
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The 12th  edition of the Transnational Commercial Law Teacher’s Meeting was hosted by the University of Chile from the 10th to the 12th of November via Zoom.  The Conference was entirely devoted to the study of the Secured Transactions in Transnational Commercial Law as central 
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On 10 November 2021, the Kingdom of Spain, which is already a Party to the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol, signed the Luxembourg Rail Protocol, which was adopted in February 2007 at a diplomatic Conference held in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Rail Protocol will enter 
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Between 25-29 October 2021, Mr Hamza Hameed (Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT) participated in the International Astronautical Congress 2021 (IAC 2021) organised by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the Muhammad Bin Rashid Space Centre of the UAE in Dubai. This conference had over 4000 registered 
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