The revised fifth edition of the Official Commentary on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Objects by Professor Sir Roy Goode will be published at the beginning of March 2024. Pre-publication discounts will 
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Between 16 and 17 January 2024, UNIDROIT participated in the annual Conference on International Coordination of Secured Transactions Reform, hosted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) at their Headquarters in Washington DC. Focusing on “Coordinating new instruments with the existing international framework and enhancing regional 
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Between 23 and 24 November 2023, UNIDROIT undertook a mission to its 65th and newest Member State, Mongolia. Hosted by the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia, the visit featured a series of institutional meetings and a workshop. On 23 November, UNIDROIT Secretary-General 
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Between 10 – 11 October 2023, UNIDROIT participated in an APEC Workshop in Tokyo on Secured Transactions Reform in the Asia Pacific region. The workshop was organised by the United States of America, which is currently serving as the 2023 APEC Host Economy. UNIDROIT participated 
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From 2 to 4 October 2023, the Second Preparatory Meeting of the HCCH-UNIDROIT Joint Project on Law Applicable to Cross-Border Holdings and Transfers of Digital Assets and Tokens was held in hybrid format at the seat of UNIDROIT in Rome. Following the first kick-off Preparatory 
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On 25-29 September 2023, the draft UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts was discussed over five consecutive days by delegates and observers of UNCITRAL Working Group I in Vienna. UNIDROIT was represented in the Working Group by Legal Officer Philine Wehling, who provided background information on the process 
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On 15 September 2023, the Specialised Technical Committee on Transport, Transcontinental and Interregional Infrastructure and Energy (STC TTIIE) of the African Union released a resolution calling upon all remaining states to complete ratification procedures for the Luxembourg Protocol on Railway Rolling Stock. The African Union 
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The 12th Annual Cape Town Convention Academic Project Conference took place at Jesus College, University of Cambridge, and on Zoom on 27-28 September 2023. The Conference was organised by the Cape Town Convention Academic Project, which is a partnership between UNIDROIT and the University of Cambridge 
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On 28 September 2023, Legal Officer Priscila Andrade represented the UNIDROIT Secretariat at the “Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization” hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The event provided a neutral forum for FAO Members, farmers, academia, mechanization service 
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On Monday 25 September 2023, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) welcomed a high-level delegation from UNIDROIT to its Headquarters in London. The purpose of the mission was to strengthen UNIDROIT – EBRD cooperation on projects of mutual interest, with a particular focus 
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