On 8 July 2019, UNIDROIT participated in an event in Beijing promoting the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention), the Luxembourg Rail Protocol and future Mining, Agricultural and Construction (MAC) Protocol. Delivered as part of a high-level conference entitled “UNIDROIT and 
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On 16 July 2019, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano participated in a meeting in Berne hosted by the Secretary General of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), Mr Wolfgang Küpper, with participation of the Chair of the Rail Working Group Mr Howard Rosen 
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The Aviation Working Group invited key stakeholders to attend an important Aviation Working Group (AWG) South American regional event on the Cape Town Convention and its Aircraft Protocol (CTC) and cross border transferability of aircraft (XBT). This AWG event was hosted by, and was held 
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On 14 May 2019, the Luxembourg Rail Protocol was presented in the context of an exclusive Rail Working Group briefing in Spanish in the Madrid offices of Watson Farley & Williams. Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado and Professor Teresa de las Heras Ballell provided a thorough 
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On 8 May 2019, the members of the UNIDROIT Governing Council were invited to take part in the launch of the 4th edition of the Official Commentary on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Aircraft Protocol. The publication, of 
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A Colloquium entitled “The Cape Town Convention – Past successes and Future Opportunities” was held on April 30 at the Law Faculty of the Université de Montréal. The event was a joint undertaking between the Department of Justice Canada and the Université de Montréal, with 
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On 16 April 2019, Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano and Legal Consultant Mr Hamza Hameed delivered a joint lecture to the students of the Advanced Master’s LLM in Air and Space Law Programme at Leiden University. The lecture focussed on two separate parts: the fundamentals 
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Hamza Hameed, Legal Consultant at UNIDROIT, participated at the Global Space Congress (GSC) 2019 in Abu Dhabi on 19-21 March, and at the UN/Jordan Workshop on Global Partnership in Space Exploration and Innovation in Amman on 25-28 March 2019. The Global Space Congress, hosted by 
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On 23 March 2019, UNIDROIT was invited to participate in a High Level Seminar entitled “Railway rolling stock financing: a new solution for Africa” in Marrakech, organised by the UN Economic Commission  for Africa. The seminar was included as a Side Event at the 52nd 
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On 13 March 2019, Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano participated remotely in a special workshop co-organised by the Rail Working Group with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Jakarta entitled “The Future for Railway Finance: How the Luxembourg Rail Protocol will transform the 
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