On 30-31 May 2016,  the Deputy Secretary-General represented UNIDROIT in a Conference on the “New Hungarian Civil Procedure Act and the Development of European Rules of Civil Procedure”  co-organised by the ELI, the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal 
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On 27 May 2016,  the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of UNIDROIT were both invited to deliver lectures in the 4th Edition of the Masters LUISS Business and Company Law: European and International Perspectives, respectively on an Introduction to International Commercial Contracts and the Unidroit Principles 
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On 24 May 2016, the Secretary General of UNIDROIT, Mr Estrella Faria, participated in an event promoted by UNODC and the Italian Government in Vienna. The event brought together the Executive Director of UNODC, Mr Yury Fedotov, the Italian Undersecretary of State at the Ministry 
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On 20 May 2016, on the occasion of the 95th session of its Governing Council, and as part of UNIDROIT’s 90th Anniversary Celebration Series, UNIDROIT hosted a Conference on “United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), UNIDROIT Principles of International 
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The 95th Session of the UNIDROIT Governing Council was held from 18 to 20 May 2016. Among other important decisions, the Governing Council adopted the amendments and additions to the 2010 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts recommended by the Working Group on Long-Term Contracts and approved 
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The informal experts group for the preparation and review of the initial draft of the Legislative Guide on Principles and Rules Capable of Enhancing Trading in Securities in Emerging Markets met for the second time at UNIDROIT’s seat in Rome on 16-17 May 2016. The 
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On 6 May 2016 the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s instrument of accession to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and to the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment was deposited with UNIDROIT. 
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On 27 April 2016, UNIDROIT, hosted an international conference entitled “Creating a favourable legal environment for contract farming”. The Conference was organised in collaboration with FAO and IFAD, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy. It aimed to 
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A meeting of the Steering Committee and co-reporters was held in Rome, on 21 and 22 April 2016.  Co- Reporters from the working groups Access to Information and Evidence, Res judicata and lis pendens, Service and due notice of proceedings,  Provisional and protective measures, and 
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On 20 April 2016, UNIDROIT celebrated the 90th anniversary of its foundation in a Special session of the UNIDROIT General Assembly, which was followed by a symposium devoted to the role and place of private law in supporting the implementation of the international community’s broader 
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