The instrument of accession to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention has been deposited by the Republic of the Union of Myanmar with the Italian Government, Depositary of the Convention, on 20 June 2018 and the Convention will enter into force for the Republic of the Union 
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On 20 June 2018, Ms Marina Schneider, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer, gave a lecture to the students of the Geneva Summer School of International Cultural Heritage Law – University of Geneva about the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects.   -> 
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On 12 June  2018 Secretary-General a.i. Professor Anna Veneziano and Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson delivered a joint lecture on the Cape Town Convention and future MAC Protocol to LLM students at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. The lecture was organised by UNIDROIT Governing Council 
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The Aviation Working Group invited key stakeholders to attend an important Aviation Working Group (AWG) African regional event on the Cape Town Convention and its Aircraft Protocol (CTC) and cross border transferability of aircraft (XBT). This AWG event was hosted by, and was held in 
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The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (the CTC) is one of the world’s most important commercial law treaties, which now has 76 Contracting States. The Cape Town Convention Academic Project is holding its seventh annual conference in Oxford on 12th and 13th September 2018 
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The instrument of accession of the Syrian Arab Republic to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention was deposited with the Italian Government, Depositary of the Convention, on 27 April 2018 and the Convention will enter into force for the Syrian Arab Republic on 1 October 2018.   
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On 4 and 5 June, UNIDROIT attended the Fifth Meeting of the Stakeholders’ Committee of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, organised by the European Commission and held in Brussels. On that occasion, the Commission interviewed the stakeholders for contributions to the New European Agenda 
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  On 30 May, Ms Marina Schneider, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer and Treaty Depositary, participated in the Workshop on Protecting Iraqi Cultural Heritage and Fighting Terrorism organised by the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the EU Commission.
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Between 28 and 31 May 2018, Ms Marina Schneider, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer and Treaty Depositary, participated in the 6th Session of the Subsidiary Committee of the Meeting of States Parties to the 1970 Convention and the 21st Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting 
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On 23 May, Ms Marina Schneider, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer and Treaty Depositary, was invited by Ms Sabine Verheyen and Mr Arndt Kohn, currently serving as Members of the European Parliament, to a Conference on the illegal trafficking of cultural goods, held at the European 
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