On 16 December 2021, Senior Legal Officer Carlo Di Nicola gave a presentation on UNIDROIT’s Digital Assets and Private Law Project to the panel session on digital data of the International Law Association’s (ILA) Committee on Digital Challenges for International Law, one of the working 
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On 29 November 2021, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer Carlo Di Nicola delivered a presentation via webinar to the LL.M. students at the University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre (UNCLC). The presentation provided an overview of the Institute’s history, its membership, and its working methods, as 
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On 15 November 2021, UNIDROIT’s Digital Assets and Private Law Project (DAPL) was presented at the G7 Expert Level Working Group on Electronic Transferable Records as part of the G7 Digital and Technology Track workstream, led by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport 
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On 14 July 2021, UNIDROIT was invited to participate in the 9th Summer School organised by the Law Schools Global League (LSGL) and coordinated by Professors Martin Hogg (University of Edinburgh) and Simon Chesterman (National University of Singapore). As part of their online module on “Law and 
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INSOL International and INSOL Europe co-organised an online seminar on 15 April 2021 to address global hot-topics, looking at digital assets and insolvency and Covid-19 national temporary legislation. Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado delivered the opening Keynote Speech at the morning session, entitled “Transnational Legal Order, Digital 
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On 12 February, Mr Carlo Di Nicola (Senior Legal Officer) and Mr Hamza Hameed (Legal Consultant) presented the UNIDROIT Project on Digital Assets and Private Law as part of Digiweek organised by the University of Lausanne. The presentation was attended by over 60 students. >>> Learn 
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