On 16 November 2022, a UNIDROIT delegation visited the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila and participated in a hybrid session on international private law developments relating to private sector development, trade and sustainable development. The panel featured ADB General Counsel Thomas Clark (Chair), 
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The inaugural Asia-Pacific Private International Law Summit, jointly organised by UNIDROIT and the Department of Justice (DoJ) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (HKSAR), was held on 7 November 2022 in the HKSAR. The Summit was the first event co-organised by UNIDROIT 
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The first UNIDROIT session organised within the XXI IACL General Congress, entitled “Financial Systems”, was held on the 25th of October 2022 and featured the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between UNIDROIT and the Central Bank of Paraguay. Opening statements from the President of 
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UNIDROIT had the honour of being invited to the XXI General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, the first since the pandemic, which was organised in Asunciòn from 23 to 28 of October 2022. At the opening of the IACL General Assembly that 
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  On 5 October 2022, UNIDROIT hosted  a presentation on NFTs and their impact on the regulation of the Art Market with the co-authors of “NFT: The other side of art”. Introduced by UNIDROIT President Maria Chiara Malaguti, Law Partners Filippo Annunziata and Andrea Conso 
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On 10 June 2022, a Workshop on Issues Related to Enforcement in Digital Assets took place as a side event to the 101st Session of the UNIDROIT Governing Council in Rome and on Zoom. The Workshop was attended by Members of the UNIDROIT Governing Council, 
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In the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between UNIDROIT and Roma Tre Law Department, Professor Carla L. Reyes (Assistant Professor of Law at SMU Dedman School of Law in Dallas, Texas and member of UNIDROIT’s Working Groups on Digital Assets and Private Law and 
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Between 25-27 May 2022, UNIDROIT participated in an APEC Workshop on Modernising Secured Transaction Legal Regimes in APEC Economies through International Instruments and Effective Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, in Tokyo, Japan. UNIDROIT Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado delivered opening remarks at the start of the Workshop, Senior Legal 
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On 30 March 2022, Mr Carlo Di Nicola, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer, delivered a presentation on the UNIDROIT Digital Assets and Private Law to postgraduate students of the LLM Programme in International Trade Law at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) 
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On 17 March 2022, the Law Schools Global League (LSGL)’s Research Group on Law and Technology held a special workshop dedicated to UNIDROIT’s Digital Assets and Private Law Project, as part of the LSGL’s annual Deans’ Meeting held this year in Madrid, Spain at the 
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