On 21 September 2020, the UNIDROIT  Secretariat, as mandated by the Governing Council at the first meeting of the 99th  session, convened an internal consultation workshop on the project on Best Practices of Effective Enforcement. The Workshop was opened by Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado and Nina 
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On 10 September 2020,  the joint ELI-UNIDROIT ‘European Model Rules of Civil Procedure’, the final draft of which has recently been approved by the ELI and is awaiting final approval by the UNIDROIT Governing Council, were presented to the ELI Membership in a webinar. This panel 
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The UNIDROIT Secretariat is very pleased to announce that the ELI Council and the ELI Membership approved the ELI-UNIDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure on 15 July and 5 August 2020, respectively. UNIDROIT wishes to express its gratitude to its long-time partner, the ELI, 
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On 30 March 2020, the ELI-UNIDROIT project on European Rules of Civil Procedure was presented in a lecture at the IE Law School (Madrid). The lecture, delivered by remote connection, was featured as part of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Civil Procedure, under the 
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On 4 Sept 2019, the ELI-UNIDROIT project on Civil Procedure was presented and discussed in Vienna, in the occasion of ELI’s General Assembly. The Conference featured four sessions co-organised by UNIDROIT and the ELI on the ELI-UNIDROIT project on transnational civil procedure – regional rules 
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The final Annual  Steering Committee meeting with the Co-reporters of all Working Groups was held  in Rome on 25-26 February 2019. The meeting began by addressing the current status of the Consolidated Draft, presented by the Working Group on “Structure”, and explored the main issues 
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