On 3 December 2021, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano, and Legal Consultant Hamza Hameed, represented UNIDROIT in the 2021 International Conference on Ease of Doing Business organised by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea in Seoul, and online via Zoom. This event marked 
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On 10 December 2021, UNIDROIT together with the University of Turin and the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) co-organised a webinar on “UNIDROIT’s Projects and Technology”. The event was introduced by Professor Cristina Poncibò (University of Turin). The panel was composed of UNIDROIT Deputy Secretary-General 
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On 19 November 2021, Legal Officers Ms Philine Wehling and Ms Priscila Andrade participated at the final event of the Winter School on EU Law on Digital Agriculture, organised by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) within the Jean Monnet Module SUSTAIN. Their presentation 
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On 1-3 September 2021, the Working Group on a Model Law on Warehouse Receipts, chaired by Governing Council member Professor Eugenia Dacoronia, held its third session in a hybrid format, with experts participating remotely and others participating in person in the Institute. The Group discussed 
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On 26 March 2020, UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL co-organised a webinar to discuss with a broader expert audience the proposal of developing an international Model Law on Warehouse Receipts. The webinar’s purpose was to consider global experiences with modernizing warehouse receipts systems and emerging trends with 
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