On 27 January 2021, Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano and Legal Officer Ms Priscila Andrade delivered a joint lecture to the students of the PhD Programme “Autonomia Privata, Impresa, Lavoro e Tutela dei diritti nella prospettiva europea e internazionale” at the Sapienza Università di Roma. 
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On 28 January 2021, Ms Priscila Andrade, UNIDROIT Legal Officer, presented UNIDROIT’s work and instruments in the area of Private Law and Agricultural Development to a group of students of the School of Law, University of Washington (UW). The online lecture was part of the 
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UNIDROIT is very pleased to announce it has been awarded the United Rule of Law Appeal (UROLA) Prize for 2019. UROLA is an NGO jointly managed by the International Law Institute and other NGOs focused on the rule of law. The purpose of the 2019 
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On 18-19 March 2019, Mr Neale Bergman (Legal Officer, UNIDROIT) delivered a lecture on “International Sources of Contract Law: The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts” to 21 students, hailing from 15 countries, in the ITC-ILO’s LLM Programme in International Trade Law. The lecture covered: 
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The UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming in Chinese (Mandarin) –《订单农业法律指南》 – has just been released. Translated under the supervision of Mr Philip Peng 彭先伟/ – Partner, DeHeng Law Offices, it is published under ISBN 978-7-301-30142-5 by Peking University Press. Copies may be ordered from Peking 
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On 28 February 2019 UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer Ms Frederique Mestre made a presentation on “International Regulatory Models for Contract Farming” at a Workshop on “Agricultura por contrato – Aspectos legales y regulatorios, ordenamiento productivo, instrumentos financieros” – organised by… the Colombian Ministry for Agriculture 
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On 20 February 2019, UNIDROIT Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano presented the Legal Guide on Contract Farming, its main features and key aspects of its implementation at the Food for Law Conference hosted by McGill University in Montreal and its Centre for Intellectual Property Policy (CIPP). 
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